Membership Information
Are you a duly initiated member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.?
Are you living your Delta Destiny? Do you have a chapter home?
Our membership has included great women of Delta: Soror Osceola McCarthy Adams, Soror Naomi Sewell Richardson, Soror Ethel Cuff Black, Soror Dorothy Irene Height, Soror Jean Hutson, and Soror Jeanne Noble, just to name a few.
These women and so many more who have been a part of our chapter, have made an impact in addressing Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated's Five-Point Programmatic Thrust.
Our chapter is built on history and tradition. Our service area covers 155th Street South to Battery City park, river to river. While we are Harlem based, we have been serving our entire service area for 102 years. We encourage our chapter members to engage in the communities we live and work in. We work hard, but also find time to fellowship and have fun. We look to include friends and family in our events and programming.
Our chapter is diverse in age, career/occupation, where we live, and more. We embrace our Delta DEARS, Divas, and Dolls. Our chapter is comprised of recent college graduates, retired educators, working mothers, entrepreneurs, and all around dynamic women. We work to advocate on behalf of our communities, to ensure that we exercise the Power In Our Voice.
Sisterhood is the core of our identity as members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Contact us to continue your Delta journey and experience the Joy In Our Sisterhood.
For Duly Initiated Members looking to join New York Alumnae Chapter:
​Contact Membership Services at membership@dstnyac.org
For Prospective Membership Inquiries:
​The sole source of information pertaining to membership can be accessed via the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.'s national website.
For all other inquiries contact info@dstnyac.org.
Thais Ridgeway, Esq.
First Vice President
Membership Services Chair
Kimberly Hall
Membership Services Co-Chair