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International Awareness and Involvement​
​​​​New York Alumnae Chapter – International Awareness & Involvement (IAI) Committee


Mission: To increase international activities and cultural awareness within the chapter and our service community residents at large. Partner with international chapters, especially in the Eastern Region, to promote sisterhood and public service worldwide through the Five Point Programmatic Thrust.


Theme: Global Solidarity. Shared Responsibility.


Key partnerships: Focus on collaboration with international chapters, especially in the Eastern Region.Annual Observances:

✅ International Day of the Girl
✅ World HIV/AIDS Day
✅ International Women's Day
✅ World Health Day
✅ International Day of Remembrance of the Slave Trade
✅ Delta Days at the United Nations


Each observance aligns with:
🔹 The United Nations theme
🔹 The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. theme




Dedicated in 2002, the Delta House is a home for children who became orphans due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It is located in what is now known as Vashti Village, in Mbabane, Swaziland along with two similar structures. Built to accommodate 12 children and a housemother, the home was made possible with funds contributed by Delta sorors at the 45th and 46th National Conventions held in Chicago (2000) and Atlanta (2002). Situated in a picturesque valley, an expansive vegetable garden flourishes behind the Delta House where residents (most of whom are adolescents) grow some of their own food. The village is still a work in progress with an office complex, conference center, church and apartments envisioned for the future. Learn more here.


To donate to the Sustainability Fund for our International Projects click here.  ​


For more information, send an email to International and Awareness and Involvement Committee. â€‹â€‹


See NYAC's International Awareness and Involvement Committee in action!​​


Johnetta Miner, PhD, MPH, MSN, NP

International Awareness and Involvement, Chair


Amari N. Lewis, PhD, Co-Chair

International Awareness and Involvement,  Co-Chair



World AIDS Day, "Put People First", December 2024

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On Sunday, December 8, 2024, the International Awareness and Involvement Committee of the New York Alumnae Chapter, in collaboration with the Greater New York City Black Nurses Association, sponsored by ViiV Healthcare, hosted a powerful World AIDS Day Celebration: “Put People First,” an intergenerational discussion focused on HIV care and prevention.


We were especially grateful to Dr. Alftan Dyson of ViiV Healthcare for leading an engaging and informative session that offered valuable insights into the latest research and a call to action for increased awareness and prevention efforts in our communities.


The event highlighted current trends in HIV care, with a particular emphasis on the African American community and other high-risk populations across the United States. Thanks to all who joined us both online and in person and contributed to our success.


Let’s continue to promote awareness, prevention, and solidarity in the fight against HIV. For more information, contact

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(Left to right): Dr. Amari N. Lewis, Co-Chair IAI Committee, DST-NYAC, Mimi L. Woods, Second VP, DST-NYAC, GNYC-BNA, Erika L. Ewing, Corresponding Sec/Comms Chair, DST-NYAC, J’Adore Larosa-Mattis, National Black Nurses Association Historian and Communications Chair, GNYC-BNA, and Dr. Betty Boyle-Duke, Corresponding Secretary, GNYC-BNA Chapter.

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"Digital Generation, Our Generation", November 2024

The international Day of the Girl Child is dedicated to recognizing girls rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. 


In support of this year’s theme “Digital Generation, our Generation”, the International Awareness &  Involvement committee in special collaboration with our Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy Youth Program hosted a workshop led by Dr. Anika Daniels-Osaze.


During this workshop, our girls were educated on the innovative topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and raising awareness about the disparities in digital access worldwide that girls and women face. We want to remind our girls that we respect and will protect their rights, their choices, and their future!


#DSTNYAC #IAI #DeltaAcademy
#InternationalAwarenessandInvolvement #IDotGC 
#InternationalDayoftheGirlChild #dst1913
For more information, contact

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The International Day of the Girl Child, November 2024

The United Nations’ theme for the International Day of the Girl Child 2024 is "Girls' Vision For The Future." From October 31st through November 9th, the International Awareness and Involvement Committee of New York Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will highlight the unique challenges girls face across the globe.


No matter what country you live in or the language you speak it's a call to action for all of us, no matter where we are, to celebrate and empower girls, who are the key to a better future for all. 
For more information, contact
#dstnyac #dst1913 #girlsvisionforthefuture #EasternRegDST #unitednations #girlsempowerment  #IDotGC #iai #internationalawarenessandinvolvement

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The International Women's Day, March 2024

We wore purple in celebration of International Women’s Day 2024 on Friday, March 8, 2024.


We continued to celebrate International Women's Day 2024, on Sunday, March 10th, at 9:00 a.m. EST at our Second Annual Fireside Chat.


The #IWD2024 theme was #inspireinclusion, featuring guest speaker Dr. Carol McIntosh, MD-OB/GYN, as we addressed the health inequities and disparities that increase global morbidity and mortality rates.


Dr. McIntosh was one of the first Black female board-certified OB/GYNs to set up a private practice in Harlem, NY. In 2023, she helped form Carriacou Health Services, Inc. to address improving health conditions in Carriacou, Grenada.


For more information, contact

Donate to the Sustainability Fund for International Projects​


All IAI financial donations must be mailed to:


Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Finance Department

Payee: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Address: DST/Finance Department,

1703 New Hampshire Ave, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20009​


Enclose notation, please list your Chapter Name and Chapter Number with the amount(s) and list where you want the funds/donations to be credited – name the project(s) and location(s). The Finance Department will transfer funds to IAI to be distributed according to your written request. Once this transaction has been completed IAI will disburse funds according to your written request to your project(s) and location(s).



Yes, all financial donations that require a Federal income tax deduction receipt must be mailed to:


Delta Research & Education (DREF)

Payee: Delta Research & Education Foundation

Address: DREF/1703 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20009


Enclose notation, list your Chapter name and Chapter number and list where you want the funds/donations to be credited – name the project and location. DREF will communicate with IAI to transfer funds to IAI according to your written request. Once this transaction is completed funds will be disbursed by IAI to your project(s) and location(s) of choice(s).​​


(Left to right): Dr. Johnetta Miner, International Awareness and Involvement Committee, Chair, and Jamel Scutchins,

International  Awareness and Involvement Committee Member.

Sorority's National Shield

New York Alumnae Chapter

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

Manhattanville Station

P.O. Box 5569
New York, NY 10027



Visit Delta Sigma Theta's national website at


Visit the Eastern Region's website at

  • New York Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc Facebook
  • New York Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc Instagram Instagram
  • New York Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc Twitter

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