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Delta Emergency Response Team (ERT)


The New York Alumnae Delta Emergency Response Team (ERT) mission is to align with the mission and vision of the National Program Planning & Development Committee, Emergency Response Team Subcommittee to achieve sound preparedness planning and practices by developing guidelines and references necessary to aid chapter members in their individual and collective preparation, in order to receive expeditious and swift restoration following a disaster.


New York Alumnae chapter works to implement this vision through our many community programs (e.g., NYC Citizen Preparedness, Fire Safety, Community Preparedness, First Aid & CPR, etc.).


New York Alumnae Delta ERT will provide and assist chapter members with:

  • Increase awareness about emergency preparedness guidance, information, and tools;

  • Provide structured and systematic training for the membership’s readiness, response, and recovery efforts.

  • Provide effective and immediate communication strategies to facilitate and aid in preparedness and response.

  • Provide steps for early response and efficient recovery.

  • Provide resource support and guidance for sorority members and the communities impacted by natural or man-made disasters.


NYAC ERT Resources: Are You Ready Resource Checklist? ​


NYAC Emergency Response Team in action!


For more information, send an email with subject ERT.


Deborah Payne

Emergency Response Team, Chair

New York Alumnae Chapter




ERT Logo.png
Sorority's National Shield

New York Alumnae Chapter

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

Manhattanville Station

P.O. Box 5569
New York, NY 10027



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